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#024  The #1 Reason Why Employees Become Business Owners

May 19, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about the primary reasons why people, by the hundreds of thousands every year, give up the safety of their job to start a business.

How Do You Define "Freedom" as a Business Owner?

May 10, 2022
In the summer of 1776, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were tasked by the Continental Congress with not only crafting a "Declaration of Independence" from England, but also with designing an emblem or national coat of arms for the new nation.

#023  Rejuvenation - Guest interview with Ben Weiss

May 5, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be joined by a special guest, Ben Weiss. Ben took a very special nine-week long road trip with his family, beginning exactly one year ago today in April, to see the United States.

The Real Reasons Small Business Owner's Start Their Business  (Hint:  It's Not Money!)

May 3, 2022
Tom clearly remembers the early days when he started his own small business, providing architectural design services for new and remodeled commercial office buildings. 

#022  Winning the "Great Resignation"

April 21, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about a troublesome employment issue that was brought to light by a management professor at Texas A&M University in the Spring of 2021.

Winning the "Great Resignation"

April 12, 2022
In the Spring of 2021, Texas A&M professor of management Anthony Klotz noticed a major trend in employment data from the US Bureau of Labor StatisticsIn April of that year, for the first time in history, over 4 million workers in the United States voluntarily quit their jobs....in a single month!

#021  Living Your Life Rather Than Your Business

April 7, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about a simple but essential ingredient to Freedom Focused.

A Simple but Essential Ingredient to Freedom Focused!

March 29, 2022
Lisa shared a story with me that is all too common for small business owners. As a single mother looking for a way to earn a living and support her family, she discovered that popcorn, cotton candy, and peanuts were the answer.

#020  Maximizing Freedom with a Well Organized Team

March 24, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about a simple business management tool, that’s been around for a long time, but many small business owners don’t take advantage of.

Clarity Rather Than Chaos with A Well Organized Team

March 15, 2022
Throughout my entrepreneurial career, I've made a point to learn and implement as many best practices as possible for running a business.

#019  What Is the Best Exit Strategy For A Business?

March 10, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about, “The best exit strategy for a business.”

What Is the Best Exit Strategy For a Business?

March 01, 2022
After spending eleven months trying to find a buyer for my company, it became very clear to me that my business was not salable.

#018  Have You Reached the Pinnacle of Freedom?

February 24, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about a couple ways to think about the highest level of personal and professional freedom for small business owners.

The Pinnacle of Freedom

February 16, 2022
People operating at the pinnacle of Abraham's hierarchy are experiencing the greatest fulfillment in their lives, the greatest satisfaction with who they are and what they are doing (personally and professionally) and enjoying true freedom.

#017  Employee Reviews You and Your Team Will Look Forward To

February 10, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about one of the biggest missed opportunities small business owners have to create much greater employee buy-in, engagement, and happiness.

A Missed Opportunity for Increased Employee Engagement!

February 01, 2022
Most people are familiar with the Gallop Organization for the regular polling they do to determine the public's sentiment on issues in the news, like the state of the economy, the favorability of a particular government policy, or the popularity of political issues, office holders, or candidates.

#016  How to "Never work another day in your life!"

January 27, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about how to make work more like “play” by working as much as possible on activities that fall within your “unique ability”.

How to "Never work another day in your life!"

January 18, 2022
In past articles I've established the importance of discovering your organization's core values and a clear vision for the future in order to create a "dream team" of employees that are enthusiastic, engaged, and motivated to help you build a truly high-performance organization.

#015  Productivity Secrets with Ben Weiss

January 13, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be interviewing Ben Weiss as a guest for our “Productivity Secrets” podcast series. Ben has been the top sales person at his company for the past two decades and is the all-time leading sales person in his company’s 43-year history.

Eudaimonia for the New Year!

January 04, 2022
Several years ago my youngest daughter shared with me a new word she had learned and studied in her English class that really intrigued her:  eudaimonia

#014  The Fastest Way Forward is to Slow Down...and Think

December 30, 2021
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about taking time out of your daily routine for quality time to think.

The Fastest Way Forward is to Slow Down...and Think

December 21, 2021
In the middle of World War II, when Britain was at a breaking point in its ability to fight back the onslaught of attacks from Hitler's Germany, President Franklin Roosevelt took a fishing trip to Lake Huron for six days....

#013  Quiescence - The Secret to Recharging Your Batteries

December 16, 2021
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about RejuvenationWhat it takes to truly unplug, relax, and recharge your batteries.

Quiescence - The Secret to Recharging Your Batteries

December 08, 2021
As I sat waist deep in the clear, warm waters of the Caribbean on a beach in Cancun, Mexico, the gentle waves washed the sand I was creating first up towards the beach, then out towards the open ocean....

#012  "Dream Team" Builder Course Debrief

December 2, 2021
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be doing a debrief on the online course he just finished launching, “Dream Team” Builder.

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