Freedom Focused
Focusing small businesses ON their business so they can realize true freedom!
Are you ready to realize greater personal and professional FREEDOM?
My name's Daran Wastchak.
I teach small business owners how to lead their business out of never ending struggle and frustration to a place of greater freedom and happiness.
We call this Freedom Focused!
We do this with easy to understand, step-by-step on-demand courses that first help you to build a strong team, then show you how to lead that team to greater productivity, enthusiasm, and buy-in, which creates greater freedom and happiness for the business owner... and the entire team!

From Struggle & Frustration
Most small business entrepreneurs strike out on their own because they have a special skill or talent, like cutting hair, serving a delicious meal, manufacturing a great product, or preparing someone's taxes.
While they may be great at delivering a product or service, they soon realize how little they know about running a business: hiring the right employees, managing and motivating a team to work together, and delegating work so they can focus on growing and improving the business.
What started out as fun and exciting being your own boss, for most entrepreneurs inevitably turns into a life of struggle and frustration that slowly drains the owner and their team of energy, reduces engagement, and leads to increased employee turnover.
To Freedom & Happiness
The truth is that struggle and frustration are not inevitable. It doesn't have to be this way. In fact, it shouldn't be this way.
Small business owners need to follow several simple, straight forward strategies that have worked reliably for many small businesses.
However, while they may be simple, no one said they are easy to implement. That's what makes the Freedom Focused strategy different.
With a vision of every small business owner running a Freedom Focused business, we are committed to offering a strategy that small business owners are more likely to implement so they can truly achieve greater freedom and happiness.

I Overcame My Struggle!
And so can you!
As a serial entrepreneur, I've started multiple small businesses over the past 20+ years, but the first 15 years were filled with plenty of struggle and stress.
When I could not take it any more, I tried to sell my primary company, but no one wanted to buy it, at least not for a price or terms that were reasonable.
So in 2016, I dusted off all the wonderful business strategies that I had studied over the years, but had failed to implement because I was "too busy", studied a few more new ones, and finally put them into practice. The results were dramatic!
Twenty-four months later, I had created such a strong, and confident team, they decided, correctly, that they could run the business without me, and offered to buy me out. Ninety days later, I was free to pursue other interests and the small business world had three new entrepreneurs.
You may not be ready to exit your business, but once you are Freedom Focused, it will be your choice when to. In the interim, your business will operate more efficiently, your team will be more engaged and productive, and you will realize much greater personal and professional freedom.

What are people saying?
“The message Daran shares is exactly the challenge most business owners face. I would highly recommend following his system to create your own Freedom Focused plan for your business."
Gary Wilbers
Ascend Business Strategies
“Daran's message is what every owner and manager needs, especially if they are struggling with their approach to managing their team.”
Rebecca Smout
Salt River Project
"Daran provided a very insightful and thought provoking presentation. He very effectively reminded us of the importance of having a shared vision along with working towards common core values within one’s business."
Randy Cooney
The Success Institute