September 22, 2022 by Daran Wastchak
#033 Thomas Jefferson's 10 Rules for the Good Life (Part 1)

In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be joined by his good friend Dirk Haupt, who is returning to the podcast as a “Guest Host.”
They'll be discussing Daran's latest article titled, “Thomas Jefferson's 10 Rules for the Good Life.”
You’ll be fascinated to learn where the rules came from and why they’ve remained popular 200 years after Jefferson started sharing them with friends and family.
Dirk and Daran will look closely at the first five of the ten rules in this week’s show, discussing the importance and meaning of each rule.
They're also going to point out how each rule applies to businesses, as well as the benefits to small business owners and employees when they follow each of the rules.
Enjoy the show and don't forget to...
Stay focused on your freedom!
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Dirk Haupt
[email protected] - Daran’s articles mentioned in the podcast:
- Thomas Jefferson’s February 21, 1825 letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith (includes the “Ten Rules of Life”)
- Ryan Holiday's "50 Very Short Rules for a Good Life From the Stoics."
- Dr. Robert Cialdini’s “7 Principles of Persuasion”
- Tim Urban's "The Story of Us"
- “Four Levels of Freedom” for small business owners
- Join my email list!