Small business owners don't need an MBA,

but most dream of MBF

August 01, 2023


Kelly had enough of Andrea's drama.

Ever since hiring her three months ago, it became increasingly clear that although Andrea had all the skills necessary to do her job, she didn't quite mesh with the culture.

Her over confidence and lack of cooperation exasperated not only the rest of Kelly's small team of employees, but also customers.

Kelly had been putting off firing Andrea because finding another qualified person to do the same work would be a challenge.

Of perhaps greater concern, Kelly anguished over all the time wasted hiring and training Andrea, time Kelly could have been spending on sales and marketing and other pressing needs for the business.

Last, but not least, Kelly fretted over the wasted dollars invested in an employee who, it was now obvious, was the wrong person to join the team.

Now the hiring process, and possibly more waste, would have to start all over again.

On the phone

When Kelly started the business three years ago, it was fun and exciting to be free from the constraints of working for someone else.

However, the fun wore off before the end of the first year as the stress from so many tasks required to run the business piled on top of delivering services to customers.

Sales, marketing, customer service, bookkeeping, and the many challenges that come from hiring and managing employees, Andrea being just the latest example.


Kelly did not start the business completely unaware of what it takes to be successful as a business owner.

To prepare for the eventual jump to owning a company, Kelly had completed a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree that covered the core disciplines of good business management, including strategic planning, operations, finance and accounting, organizational behavior, and marketing.

None of that advanced education prepared Kelly for the actual struggles that come with small business ownership, especially challenges with hiring the right people for your team.

Employees who are fully engaged, highly aligned, productive, and motivated to help make the business truly successful.

Kelly didn't need an MBA.

What Kelly desperately needed, however, was MBF... more business freedom... and before it was too late.

Small business owners

Most small business owners like Kelly want the kind of freedom that comes from less struggle, frustration, and feelings of burnout.

Freedom to do just the work that you enjoy, delegate the work you don't, and shared responsibility for running the business.

Freedom to spend time away from the business to rejuvenate and recharge your batteries.

A business that provides these freedoms, and more, is what I call "Freedom Focused," and the ingredients necessary to achieve more business freedom, as well as personal freedom, are simpler than you might think.

If you're interested in learning what these simple ingredients are, and the steps necessary to achieving more business and personal freedom, then take my course "Dream Team" Builder where I'll be sharing exactly how to build a Freedom Focused business.

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new hire

My vision for the future is...

"Every small business owner running a Freedom Focused business where their personal and professional freedom are maximized."

The only way I'm going to achieve this vision is to share the successful business strategies I've learned 
with as many small business owners as possible.

The same strategies that turned my own small business into a Freedom Focused business, providing me with much greater freedom in the last three (3) years (before selling it to three of my employees) than I ever had in the first sixteen (16) years.

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Excited for you to take my course!

Until then, stay focused on your freedom!

P.S.   If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Sandra on my team for assistance ([email protected]). She'll be happy to help!

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